Hello Emerald Faerie Fans!
I have a fun project to share with you today! Our A & T Emerald Faeries theme! It is a Sketch Challenge, by our very own (drum roll please, Maestro!)....Anita! Yes, the "A" in A & T Emerald Faeires Digitals and Challenges! Here is Anita's Sketch:
Cool sketch, isn't it? I am sure I will follow this one again! And here is my rendition of Anita's Sketch...
using Kayla & Twinkie! Isn't this the most adorable image? Love it! I bet Twinkie is the one in blue, yes? Such a fun image to color. That gorgeous pink flower stem up the left side is a die cut sent from my super talented and beautiful BFF and those gorgeous pins are from the very talented and lovely Karen C, another good friend. Friends in High Places...is that the name of the Country song? Well, it's rounding it's way in my head now! Oh wait, one of the song lines is "I Have Friends In Low Places, where the whisky flows"...something like that! Sorry BFF and Karen! LOLOL!!! Don't you love it when you crack yourself up, finding yourself laughing at your own jokes! Oh my gosh, I need to get out of the house more! No kidding!
Anyway, we sure hope to see you at A & T Emerald Faeries Challenge this next fortnight. I really enjoy looking at your wonderful artwork. Such talent. And if you enter, following this great sketch by Anita, you may win some Emerald Faeries of your own!
Watch for those Bright Spots...they hang out in low places...a lot!